Be sure to sign up for this amazing Building Connected Communities TeleSummit. I will be speaking on Feb 2nd, my segment is entitled “Looking At Technology Through Our Child’s Eyes”.

Can’t wait to see you there!


About the Summit

A FREE online event sharing 22 Conscious Parenting Leaders to bring you expert advice from all different perspectives about how to not only live with technology but to thrive and to help your family thrive as well!


There is no denying it – technology is here to stay.
As parents, learning how to live with technology can be a daunting prospect. Being parents and raising “digital natives” comes with its own set of challenges, as we are the first generation to face this new frontier. At this point we all realize that we cannot just smash the screens with a hammer. Rather, we must learn how to live with technology and teach our children how to do the same.
We hear complaints from parents about their children’s screen time, from children about their parents’ screen time and from husbands and wives about their spouse’s screen time. No one is immune. So what can we do?

Join us from January 15th as our experts, including Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, Dr. Shefali, Dr. Dan Siegel, WiseTech Ed founder Aaron Schiller, and more, bring you their expertise, wisdom and guidance on everything related to Technology and our families! Each day you will receive an email featuring that day’s expert interview that you can watch at your convenience.