When we are fully present with our child we are helping turn off their survival mode. A child knows when our mind is somewhere else. They know mom or dad…
Children can trust themselves and their parent when their parent’s energy and words match. When there’s a mismatch, the child has to distrust either their parents or their own perceptions….
Children are here to help us evolve and grow up. There are many people throughout time who have said in many ways that children are here to help us…
Guide your children to learn life-skills through play – whatever their preferred form of play is. Sometimes we can outsource the forms of play that we really don’t enjoy. Others…
What is your system already doing to take care of you? Catch yourself doing it. Then think, say, and feel: “Look at me taking care of me!” You may not…
Help your children experience the power of self-calming and self-soothing, in achievable small steps. I was looking through old pictures the other day, and found one of my daughter…
Help your children experience the power of being with their big emotions, and not running away from them, by doing and modeling that yourself. They’ve found with fMRI studies…