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Lovingly Setting and Holding Limits

Limits Series: A, B, and C

By November 23, 2018August 20th, 2019No Comments

~Bucket “A” Limits are Nonnegotiable for Safety of Self & Others:
Your bucket “A” limits are so clear to you that you can say: “I love you too much to let you…” And you are so sure of the necessity for that “A” limit that you would use every resource to hold ensure the boundary is not transgressed.

~Bucket & Plan “B” Limits are Negotiable:
Some language that works: Although I’d love for you to _____ (get off the computer right now) I imagine you need transition time.

~Bucket “C” Limits are Ignored for the present:
You are letting go of the rule/limit and letting the child decide/say/do. One way to decide which rules to consider ignoring – the “C”s: Which are the rules/limits that you have that, if you were to let them go, you would create JOY | LOVE | WELL-BEING | CONNECTION ?