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Lovingly Setting and Holding Limits

Limits Series: A Secret to Setting Boundaries that Work

By November 20, 2018August 20th, 2019No Comments

Think about the moments you are feeling connected with your child – in the easy moments, and also in the not so easy moments. Why are you feeling connected? Odds are that you’re able to have that connection because your energy is clean – your pure essence self is fully present, being and emitting pure clean energy. That is what sets the stage for the clean love-underpinned/infused interactions – whether they are moments dealing with getting somewhere, doing something, or just being with your child[ren]. Clean energy is not present when you are in the muck of a “to-do” in your mind, feeling the looming next obligation’s weight constricting your heart; or fear of the danger you see in the present moment in front of you or in fear of what it portends for the future; or maybe you’re in the midst of a creative idea or a specific memory. In these moments, your heart is elsewhere. When your energy is not clean, you are not present. You are not really there. Or, maybe more accurately, the Real Full True Essence You is not there. The you who is part of the relationship with your child is not there.
And your child knows it.
So do you.