There are times when I know very deeply that if a person in my life actually did what I know would help them, their problem would disappear. However, when I’ve…
There are times when I know very deeply that if a person in my life actually did what I know would help them, their problem would disappear. However, when I’ve…
What to do when the do’s don’t get done? “Prioritize based on love” is the short answer. With each interaction, we are modeling and imparting to our children how to…
For All With school starting, it’s an especially useful time to pick up new, environment-enhancing habits so family members are doing the have to’s. If you want to optimize the…
For All Because there are so many thoughts that run through our minds, it is understandable that we live in the world of our minds. However, there is so much…
For All: Our ‘Defenses’ – whether in thoughts, feelings, or active words and behaviors – can be adaptive or maladaptive. When they create enough time and space to pace effectively…
~For All: There are clues your system gives you all day long about how refined your nervous system is. One explanation of a “refined nervous system” is how attuned your…
1) General Accepting rather than resisting whatever the moment brings is the first step. Then: “How could playing with this shift it for the better?” That gives birth to possibilities…
1) General Begin by giving yourself permission to build play into your daily life. Doing it for yourself, you’ll feel yourself being your very own best ally. That spills over:…
1) General Accepting rather than resisting whatever the moment brings is the first step. Then: “How could playing with this shift it for the better?” That gives birth to possibilities…
1) General Instead of “I have to” take on this challenge, try “I get to” take it on. I get to fool around with possibilities. Model going from “oh, no”…